Monday, February 22, 2010

Water During an Emergency

by Jonathan Hunt

In every survival situation, whether you are stuck in a vehicle or your home after an event such as an earthquake or storm occurs, water is essential to your staying alive.

Carrying at least 3 gallons of water in your vehicle is a preferable amount as anyone with enough experience can tell you and is a necessary requirement, not less than that as one would normally believe.

Depending upon where you live in the country will determine just how much water you may actually want to have on hand.

Should you live in Arizona or Utah where the heat can reach excessive temperatures during the day and plummet to below zero temperatures, you will likely lose several pints of water by the time the sun sets and this is without much exertion and therefore you will need the water to keep your body hydrated and stave off heat stroke (hyperthermia) and/or freezing to death (hypothermia).

In desert regions, the sun bakes and therefore it will cook not only your car during the warmer months it will also cook your brain and should you have to change a tire, dig out of a wash or even have to walk for any distance in even mild temperatures to reach help then you will lose enough water through your breathing and sweating that a mere gallon may not or will probably not be enough to keep you hydrated or even rehydrate you if you are already low on water which happens to be the case for many people in the United States.

In other areas that are cooler or, rather, not desert-like the need may still be the same and you should take such factors into consideration. If the conditions are so extreme as to cause a long-term situation of 6 months to several years, then the need to find water would become even greater and you would have to seek other sources for getting water such as the back of a toilet tank, a water pipe, animal waterers and so forth after proper disinfection has taken place.

To disinfect water, you can add 5 or 10 drops of 2% Iodine tincture, depending upon how dirty the water is is how much you will use, the clearer it is the less you need of the tincture, shake it up and then let it sit for 25 to 30 minutes before drinking.

Just make sure that the water you are going to treat does not have chemicals such as those which are placed in the back of a toilet tank that clean the toilet with every flush which means you will have to distill the water instead to prevent drinking down various sorts of deadly chemicals and killing yourself in the process.

If you find the water has been treated with chemicals then you can distill it by placing a pot of water over a heat source and finding a way to extract the rising steam into another container such as a cup in the center of the pan by using a string attached to the center of an upside lid placed atop your cooking vessel or using molded aluminum foil with a string or using other objects which would allow the steam to drain toward an awaiting container which is clean and safe for drinking from.

Should you be in a location where there is enough sun to heat up a jug full of water then you can attach clear tubing to the jug at or near the top, seal around the tube coming out of the container and allow the steam to vent and drip down into another container which is, again, clean and safe for drinking from.

Although some would say that you can drink your own urine, this is not true as it will cause vomiting and the number of impurities in your urine are not to be taken lightly not to mention that urine is acidic and if you have ever experienced or seen the after-effects of urine on human skin you will know that it burns so you will definitely want to avoid drinking it until you have distilled it.

It may seem disgusting or gross to distill urine but all that will come out of urine during distillation is pure, consumable water and to avoid dying from dehydration it would be far wiser to drink the pure contents of distilled urine than to suffer the consequences of wishing that you had.

Also, doing so will also give you enough time to find other sources from which you can replenish what little water you will have left in your body taking into account that your breath and body are going to be giving off or losing moisture every minute and you will be hydrated only so long before you will have to find or make drinking water from one or another sources.

If you were to vomit from drinking your own urine or from impure water then you will lose water and that and diarrhea which comes from certain bugs found in most water are what you want to avoid if at all possible, so remember to distill your water when in doubt or you know that a source should not be ingested.

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